I taking Design II tis sem and my first assignment is to design a paper bag and a new logo for a company/brand tat v wan to do... and my choice is to choose tis brand.. DC SHOE CO USA
This is the logo i design myself for it... but look too colourful le.... So i failed to create a new logo... haha ^^
Front cover of the paper bag... Too colourful... So i alr wasting the whole weeks doin tis stuff but end up it cant be used =.= haihz... I jus realize tis sem i cannot be 'ss' (syok sendiri) anymore for my design but to let other ppl like my works...
Finally, last saturday and sunday, suddenly a new idea pop out in my head and tis is de paper bag for my assignment... Jus give my works to the lecture yesterday... feel so relieve now after few days not enuff sleep jus to rush tis assignment...
The both pic is wat i done in the comp as a soft copy using adobe illustrator... i worried the result after i print it out is not wat i wanted it to be... but luckily it never disappoint me ^^ down ther is the real one... It looks no different.. means my works success... phew...
But do u noe how much i spend in tis assignment?... Gosh... i use 2 A2 size papers to make a paper bag of 26cm x 35cm and width of 11 cm... 1 A2 size i print is cost RM14 not included laminate ( do i spell it correctly? soli my eng kinda broken) which cost RM8 lol... double up is total RM44!!! arghhhh... I over spent my money for tis week jus to print tis stuff...
I use alot of money to study tis course... soli 'ah pa', 'ah ma'... i ll study hard de ^^
Hey, jus to remember y'all bout earth hour... tonite 830pm plz switch off ur light jus for 1 hours.... wont be too hard to do rite? haha... tat's it for now... ciaoz ^^
( i'll try to update my blog daily if i can ^^ )
ur paper bag look so COOL!!
I like it so much!!!!!
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